Tuesday 1 November 2011

Analysis of two completed 30 second videos

In order to get a good idea as to what was the standard of the 'Radar Love' videos, I decided to analyse other videos from my group. I feel that this was very helpful as it gave me inspiration and ideas as to the type of shots that we could use in our music video, and also showed me showed how subtle decisions, such as the choice of colour, can really effect the theme of the video.

For the two videos that I analysed, I decided to judge:

How successful the groups were at:
a) Matching tempo with the aciton
b) Meeting audience needs

- Use of instruments
- Good use of colour - e.g recurring theme of blue with the instruments added to the proffesionalism of the video (gave it an anarchic feel)
- Framing was consistent
- Mirroring - This was cut in time.
- Lip Syncing - The majority of this was very well- timed.

- Lighting - The view of the singer is distorted as he has been black lit due to the light behind from the windows. This could have been avoided by using a different shot or location of which to shoot from.
- I also feel that the use of colour although intersting, could have been maintained.

- Wide variety of shots, at different heights. I feel this prevented the video from being repetitive and showed that they had thought through the order of the shots, as we began to see more and more of the 'band' as the video progressed.
- Use of instruments and the fact that they tried to be innovative. An example of this can be seen through the clicking instead of the use of the drums. I feel this prevented the video from being 'samey'.
- Black and white colour - this was something of which I thought gave a sense of 'distortion', of which I thought fit the song really well.
- Fade to the singer was timed well.

- Despite the fact the Black and White was a positive, I think some colour could have been added to make something stand out for example e.g. on instruments.
- It was only the lip-syncing that really as in time. Although I don't think the guitar was always out of sync, but it was noticeable.
- Some more instruments could ahve been included - didn't use drums for example.

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