Monday 9 January 2012

Filming - Performance

Last Friday we were able to film our performance in the Pit. We managed to film lots of different types of shots from different angles  using the dolly and tripods. The filming went pretty fluently as the only real problem that we encountered was the the cameras running out of battery. We filmed the song through six times as we felt that this would allow us to have a wide range of shots to pick between. For example, in the first take Sarah was on the floor above filming down wile I was filming on the bottom floor filming Tom at a mid-shot. We filmed Tom close-up, at a mid-shot and high-angle and low-angle shots.

We had to make the decision to ask Tom not to move too much during the filming of each take. This is because we knew that had he moved around too much, that it would have been very difficult to keep him in frame. In terms of different positions in the different takes, we filmed the last take with Tom on the stairs from different angles, as we knew that this was a shot that is used in some of Michael Buble's music videos.

In terms of lighting, this was an aspect of our filming that we knew would be very important. Before we filmed the footage we went into the Pit and Sarah was able to figure out how to use the lighting and as a result we were create a good atmosphere.

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