Friday 11 November 2011

Planning - List of Props

As we anticipate that the filming for our final music video will begin in the next few weeks, we have discussed what props we feel we will need:

We decided that the best way to structure this part of our planning was to separate into two sections - the narrative part and performance part of the video (as we have decided that our video will include both). We have planned so far for there to be a clear contrast between the status of the singer (the performance) and the actors (narrative) in order to emphasize this element of the video to the audience. For example, one way we have planned to show this is through the costume i.e the singer in the performance could be wearing a suit whereas the the actors could be wearing casual clothes. We feel choices such as these would reiterate the gap between the classes of the actors in the two separate parts of the video.

Performance props:

White Sheet - this is one prop that we have discussed using, mainly for the performance part of our video. This will be used if there are elaborate backgrounds, as there sometimes are in Michael Buble videos, of which would not be possible to create otherwise. If we do use it, we will change the background during the editing stage.

Lighting - we have decided that we want the lighting to be simple in it's form and it's layout, and not to be over the top. The inspiration can be seen in the Michael Buble's video 'Cry me a River' (picture below) as it never seems in this music video, that attention is taken away from the singer.

Shot from Michael Buble's music video 'Cry me a River'

Mic and stand - these will more than likely be used. We have had the idea for the singer to always be in control of the mic, and to therefore be seen as dominant to our audience.

Costume - As previously stated, we have decided that we want our singer to be in a suit as this would fit with the conventions of all of his other videos. Even though ironically Michael Buble is not seen in a suit in the real video for our chosen song 'Crazy Love', we feel that our audience would expect to see the singer in a suit and therefore we have come to this decision.

Blocks - We saw how these could be used very effectively in the live performance of the band 'Strangers' in the pit at school (of which we have considered making our location). It was clear that they allowed for a variety of shots to be filmed, something that we are certainly looking to do.

Storyboard - Obviously we need to plan the list of the sequences we are going to film for our video.

Narrative props:

Actors - We have chosen for our narrative to feature one male and one female actor as we have decided for the narrative part of our video to feature the theme of a relationship.

Casual clothes - We have made the decision that our actors for the narrative will wear casual clothes such as jeans, t-shirt and a jacket, with the girl wearing a scarf also. We also thought that this could allow for the boy to put his jacket around the girl in one scene, to symbolize the direction of the narrative.

Necklace - We thought of this as one of the possible props we could use in order to symbolize the state of the relationship between the characters in the narrative.

Umbrella - We might need this if the weather is not ideal.

Phone - We thought that part of the narrative could involve the boy and girl trying to communicate by phone. E.g. the issue could involve a text not being answered.

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