Sunday 6 November 2011

Radar Love - Editing and Video

The editing stage was a beneficial experience. We soon realized that while we were happy with some of the shots e.g. the low-angle shot on 'all my life' and the mid-shot from 'the white stripes', we did have to change some of our ideas in terms of the order of the shots. As I had previously had to consider doing a film of only 30 seconds, I feel that, initially, I found it difficult to film a variety of shots due to the time limit. I feel that this resulted in us having to repeat some shots, which perhaps was something which we certainly try to avoid doing in our final task. The time limit also meant that some of the shots that we had planned out, such as the panning shot of the band, had to be cut down, although I still feel we were able to make this work. Although I was very happy with some of the shots (the panning shot and the close-up shot of the electric guitar), I feel that this was definitely a learning experience for me, as it made me aware of how difficult it was get across the typical feel of the genre of the song 'Radar Love' within the time limit of only 30 seconds.

Here is the final product that we managed to come up with:

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