Thursday 6 October 2011

Narrative Research - Barthes' media codes

As part of our narrative research in class, we looked at five narrative codes by media theorist Roland Barthes. From our work in class, along with our own music video research, we discovered that all music videos with almost definitely follow one of these codes.

Enigma - This code can be defined as in use when any element of a story is not explained and, therefore, exists as an enigma for the reader, as it raises questions as to why something is happening. The enigma code follows the theme that the idea of holding back the truth makes the overall revelation of the truth ever more effective. An example of this is the music video for Green Day's song 'Wake me up when September Ends'as the audience are not told as to whether or not the man in the relationship survive, as we have to watch to find out.

This can be seen being in use in the music video for the song  'Snuff' by the band 'Slipknot'  as we are left wondering as to why the man is crying. As is also sometimes the case with the Enigma Code, the entirety of the truth is not actually revealed in the music video for the song 'Snuff' with only vague links given about the man's relationship and how it has ended. This is what is called is a partial answer. 

Action - This refers to any action that implies a further narrative action. For instance, if a gunslinger draws his gun on an adversary in ' 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly' as we wonder what the resolution of this action will be. Suspense is therefore created by the potential of the action rather than any need to have the truth explained. Another example for this for a music video would be Foo Fighters 'My Hero', where in the music video we see someone running towards a house presuming that is going to save someone. 

Semantic - This code refers to any part of a text that suggests, or connotes an added meaning. It enables the audience to create their own views about the narrative such as what the setting or what will happen between a group of characters. Barthes says that the semantic connotations have a special meaning for the work at hand. This code can be seen in use in the music video 'Smooth Criminal' by Michael Jackson as there is noticeable change in the mood of the pub when Michael Jackson walks in the room, connoting that he is someone of extra importance or significance in someway in the video.

Symbolic - The easiest way to describe the symbolic code is as a deeper structural principle that organizes semantic meanings. Symbolic code is similar to a binary opposition. For example, a narrative may use a character or object that may not be the expected to be part of the text. This results in the audience questioning why it has been used instead of perhaps a more typical, conventional character type. An example of the Semic code can be seen in the music video 'I'm not okay (I promise)' by the band 'My Chemical Romance' as there is a contrast shown throughout between the popularity of some of the students.  

Cultural - This code can be seen as taking place in a text when the audience need prior knowledge of a certain type to text to understand what is going on. For example, in the music video of the song 'Make some Noise' by the band 'The Beastie Boys', there are instances near the beginning where the video relates back to one of their previous songs 'Fight for your Right'. Therefore, the audience require prior knowledge of the band's previous work to understand what is going on in this part of the video. 

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