Thursday 24 November 2011

Planning - Initial Filming Date

We have decided on our initial filming date for our music video - Tuesday 29th of this month. We had made sure that everyone is free who needs to be e.g. our actors are not busy, and niether are me and Sarah. Also, as it is likely that we will also film after school, then Tuesday is ideal for me as it is the only day that I do not clean after school. We have also booked our 2 cameras that we need in advance with the Media department, so that we are able to use them on the day without any issues. While we do think it should be ok, we do need to make sure that that we have permission from the Drama department to use 'The Pit', the location of the performance part of the video. Our actors have also said that they will be able to get into school on time and so there are no issues there. What we do need to make sure is that we have SD cards if we need them, and also that we have permission of our teachers, if our filming happens to overun during lesson time.

We hope to get permission from Drama to film in 'The Pit' (above).

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